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125 years Victor Hammer

Type Designer - Fine Press Printer-
Punch Cutter

9. December 1882 - 10. July 1967

Exhibition 1 to 23 December 2007 at bleiklotzle’s studio


Victor Hammer Fellowship 2008 at Aurora (New York)


Victor Hammer taught in the Wells Art Department at Aurora (NY, USA) from 1939 to 1941 and founded the Wells College Press. In honour of Hammer’s unique vision and rare abilities, Wells College inaugurated the Victor Hammer Fellowship in 1998.

Applications to this Fellowship are due 6 March 2008. Finalists will be asked to submit a portfolio of work. Notification of the award will be by 15 April 2008.

For more information contact the Book Arts Center office
Office of the Dean, Wells College, Aurora, New York 13026


Hammer International Book Arts Biennale at Lexington, Kentucky

Hammer International Book Arts Biennale has been etablished to honor Carolyn and Victor Hammer, and their legacy to fine printing.

Information on this Biennale:
Dr. Paul Holbrook, King Library Press (founded 1956), University of Kentucky, King Library, Lexington, Kentucky, 40506-0039, USA




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