

This was 2005


December: The twin concertina book “Menschen-Wuerde-Rechte” (Man-Dignity-Rights” is completed, whis is to be on show during the 2nd Biennale of the Artist Book at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in Egypt in May next year.

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September: At Kulturhaus Obere Fabrik in Sissach (Switzerland) fotos by Thomas Pfister and prints are on show - “Augenblicke” (Fotografic and poetic moments of nature).

October: Harry Hirsch presents his new booklet containing one music cd and on dvd at Frankfurt book fair.

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May: Drucktopf 2005 is presented at Mainz Minipressenmesse - bleikloetzle’s print is a recipe for green beans with a good portion of garlic

 In late 2005 the metal type makes up for a total weight of something near 8 tons. Things start to pile up again. The sixth artist’s book is finished, the seventh is being nearly in print.


This was how 2005 started - lots of snow and giant icicles.

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