

I am fascinated by how things and people and beings are connected with each other, by their context.



I have been into printing, type and photography ever since the 1970s, experimenting. I got started with my letterpress studio in 1998. Since then I am into making books - by hand.



In 1980 I went for a degree in Biology. During 1984/84 I was staying as a one year overseas student at Keel University in Staffordshier (UK). While there I took Geology and Philosophy of Science alongside my Biological subjects.



When I was a child and in the years when I was groeing up the news were full of wars lasting decades. The war in Northern Ireland, the war in the Near East.  It was all about terrorism by ETA, by IRA, and during my teenage years by the German RAF.

What I learned from that was: hatred gives birth to war and war produces hatred. An everlasting circle of evil, keeping generations caught in grief and despair.

This can be found in my art work again and again.



Education can teach and art can show, that hatred never brings a solution. It rather makes things worse.



What happened over the past years can be found in the Chronicle .


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